Monday 4 February 2013

Blog # 6

When I was young, my brother really wanted an R2-D2 robot from star wars so for his birthday my dad and I drove around the city for hours looking for this little robot for my brother. We finally found it at a toys R us. It was a voice activated robot that was about two feet tall, did dances, and had a little cup holder that deployed out the front of the robot. When we gave it to my brother he was the most excited that I have ever seen any child. It made me happy to see my brother so happy. With that being said, after a small amount of time, I felt like the tiny little robot had begun to replace me. With that being said however, I was still very happy that we got that for him. For the entire rest of the week he lit up like a light bulb every time that he saw that little blue and white robot. Also when he had his friends over, he had this impeccable sense of pride in this toy whenever he got the opportunity to show it off to anyone who would pay attention. That is definitely the happiest that I have ever seen any kid.